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Get to Know Shania Kerina

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About Me

Shania Kerina is a mental health advocate, poet , speaker , and mother . Earning a B.A. in Sociology, mental health has always been a passion of hers. Having gone through her own depression and PTSD, she created Kerina's Place to not only be a safe place for herself, but thousands of others worldwide. They aim to inspire, uplift, and equip individuals to live in their truth while breaking through the stigma of mental health through events, resources, and services. Since 2020 they’ve held many mental health events between North Carolina, Maryland , and virtually. They have been able to connect almost 100 people to therapists and counting ! Shania is showing the world that you can become all who God has called you to be despite your past adversities.

Our Services


An organization service to help you un-junk your space and free your mind. The look of our spaces affect our mental health tremendously.

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The Soul Care Directory

Are you a wellness provider? Doula? Coach? With the SOUL CARE DIRECTORY we aim to bridge the gap between clients and resources. We want to be able to personally connect individuals with therapist, coaches, doulas, etc ! We are creating a platform where wellness providers and everyday people can be connected. We want to support individuals in their healing journey and make sure they are connected with a provider personally. Providers in return will have access to in person and virtual events, hundreds of potential clients, and more. CLICK HERE to apply to be a resource for the community. If you are in need of a resource, click the "get connected" link below.



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